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FF Broken?

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:56 pm
by ShadeD1
I have a DSM-320 and it works flawlessly with Mpeg-2 video over wi-fi (which frankly suprised the heck out of me) but Fast Forward does not work. It only has one speed and jumps back to the beginning of the file when I stop fast forwarding.

I see from the Forum that this is an ongoing problem but is it a problem with all media devices (other than dlink) and/or all server software? If not can I switch software or is there an upgrade coming for Twonky?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:51 am
by cjohnston
I am having the same issue. However, I did have it working on all types of supported files with the original D-Link Media Server software; well, right up until I update to software v.1.09...then it's all gone to hell. Now the FF/RW function doesn't work with any Media Server....?? I'm at a loss...