I don't see cover

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Joined:Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:44 am
I don't see cover

Post by Bartek » Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:07 pm


I have just installed Twonky 4.4.2 on MSS+. Streaming it to WMP11 Windows Vista.
My file structure on MSS looks like this:

Artist -> Album -> mp3s + folder.jpg as a cover.
I can see cover of most of the albums I have in WMP11 and when I use webbrowse feature. But some of them don't display the cover neither in WMP11 or in browser. I have checked the cover file Folder.jpg exists and I can see preview.

The question is why it is not displayed?
I have tryed with other file, restarting server, rebuilding database.
Any1 knows where is the problem and how can I fix it?
