Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

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Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Morg » Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:15 pm


following the work of one Brian (forgot the rest of his name), I build / adjusted the navtree on my 6.0.30 sheevaplug twonkyserver, which ran fine now for around 2 years.

Due to various reasons, I tried 7.0.8, which runs fine and fast (!), but ate my custom navtree...

So now I found that groupid isn't supported anymore and tried reusing existing ids which weren't used - quite unsuccessfully. All the "new" viewdefinitions were dumped silently, making me revert to TW6 for the while to get a running system.

I read quite some postings on how navtree customizing works under 7.x and many examples, but I didn't really grasp the fine differences, it seems.

Still, the speed and UI of TW7 are compelling, so is there a way to get my - specific - navtree compatible with 7.x?


(Hm.. BBcode disabled for newbies though enabled in profile? Anyway...)

<view name='base' viewlist='advanced,folder,ipodlike,simple,classified,playlists,mobile' guilist='advanceddefault,ipodlike,simpledefault,byfolder,mobile'>
<navtree sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber'>
<container name='Music' id='music' upnp:originalTrackNumber='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack,'>
<container name='alltracks' id='music/all' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' />
<container name='1 -Interpreten-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='1' id='music/artistindex' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container name='-Alle Interpreten-' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:artist' class='object.container.person.musicArtist' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container name='-Zeige Musik-' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' />
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum' />
<container buildon='upnp:artist[5]' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='upnp:artist[1]' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='upnp:artist' class='object.container.person.musicArtist' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container name='-Zeige Musik-' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' />
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum' />
<container name='2 -Komponisten-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='2' groupid='music/BriComp' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:author@role[5]' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:author@role[1]' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:author@role' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' class='object.container.person.musicArtist' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container name='-Interpreten-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='1' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:artist' class='object.container.person.musicArtist' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container name='-Zeige Musik-' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' />
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum'/>
<container name='-Alben-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='2' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum' />
<container name='-Zeige Musik-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='3' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' />
<container name='3 -Genres-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='3' groupid='music/BriGenre' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='upnp:genre' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' class='object.container.genre.musicGenre' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' >
<container name='-Interpreten-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='1' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:artist' class='object.container.person.musicArtist' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container name='-Zeige Musik-' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' />
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum'/>
<container name='-Komponisten-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='2' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:author@role' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' class='object.container.person.musicArtist' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container name='-Interpreten-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='1' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:artist' class='object.container.person.musicArtist' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container name='-Zeige Musik-' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' />
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum'/>
<container name='-Alben-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='2' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum' />
<container name='-Zeige Musik-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='3' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' />
<container name='-Alben-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='3' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum' />
<container name='-Zeige Musik-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='4' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='dc:title[3]' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'/>
<container name='4 -Alben-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='4' groupid='music/BriAlbum' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container name='-Alle Alben-' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum' />
<container buildon='upnp:album[5]' Class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='upnp:album[1]' Class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum' />
<container name='5 -Musik-' groupid='music/BriTunes' upnp:originalTrackNumber='5' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='dc:title[5]' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='dc:title[1]' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container name='-Zeige Musik-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='1' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' />
<container name='-Zeige Alben-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='2' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='dc:title' sclass='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum'/>
<container name='-Jahr-' groupid='music/BriYearAlbum' upnp:originalTrackNumber='6' sortcriteria='-dc:title' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='pv:year' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum'/>
<container name='artist' upnp:originalTrackNumber='7' id='music/artists' class='object.container.person.musicArtist' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='upnp:artist' class='object.container.person.musicArtist' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'/>
<container name='composer' upnp:originalTrackNumber='8' id='music/composers' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:author@role' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.person.musicArtist' />
<container name='genre' upnp:originalTrackNumber='9' id='music/genre' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='upnp:genre' class='object.container.genre.musicGenre' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' />
<container name='album' upnp:originalTrackNumber='10' id='music/albums' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:album' albumart='1' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.album.musicAlbum' />
<container name='6 -Ordner-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='11' id='music/folders' class='object.container.storageFolder' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='res' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.storageFolder' />
<container name='7 -Playlisten-' upnp:originalTrackNumber='12' id='music/playlists' class='object.container' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack,' sortcriteria='+upnp:originalTrackNumber,+dc:title' restricted='0' flags='pv:playlistRoot=Music' >
<container name='playlistrecentlyadded' filteron='pv:addedLast60' sortcriteria='-pv:addedTime' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' maxitems='500' upnp:originalTrackNumber='3' restricted='1' class='object.container.playlistContainer' flags='pv:smartplaylist=1' />
<container name='playlistmostplayed' filteron='pv:playcount' sortcriteria='-pv:playcount' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' maxitems='500' upnp:originalTrackNumber='1' restricted='1' class='object.container.playlistContainer' flags='pv:smartplaylist=1' />
<container name='playlistlastplayed' filteron='pv:lastPlayedTime' sortcriteria='-pv:lastPlayedTime' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' maxitems='500' upnp:originalTrackNumber='2' restricted='1' class='object.container.playlistContainer' flags='pv:smartplaylist=1' />
<container name='playlisthighlyrated' filteron='pv:highrated' sortcriteria='-pv:rating' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' maxitems='500' upnp:originalTrackNumber='4' class='object.container.playlistContainer' restricted='1' flags='pv:smartplaylist=1' />
<container buildon='upnp:playlist' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' upnp:originalTrackNumber='5' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack,' class='object.container.playlistContainer' />
<container buildon='pv:onlineServiceTitle' upnp:originalTrackNumber='13' groupid='music/onlineservices' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container name='allstations' createClass='' class='object.container' />
<container name='genrestation' class='object.container' createClass=''>
<container buildon='upnp:genre' class='object.container.genre.musicGenre' createClass='' />
<container name='stationindex' class='object.container' createClass=''>
<container buildon='dc:title[3]' class='object.container' createClass=''>
<container buildon='dc:title' class='object.container' createClass=''/>
<container name='pictures' id='picture' upnp:originalTrackNumber='2' createClass=',' class='object.container'>
<container name='allpictures' id='picture/all' createClass='' class='object.container'/>
<container name='byfolder' id='picture/folders' class='object.container.storageFolder' restricted='0' createClass=''>
<container buildon='res' createClass='' class='object.container.storageFolder'/>
<container name='byyear' id='picture/year' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container buildon='pv:year' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container name='bydate' id='picture/date' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container name='allname' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container name='allname' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container buildon='pv:month' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container buildon='pv:year' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container name='allname' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container buildon='pv:month' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container name='keywords' id='picture/keywords' createClass='' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='pv:avKeywords' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container name='album' id='picture/albums' createClass='' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:album' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container name='rating' id='picture/rating' createClass='' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='pv:rating' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container name='slideshows' id='picture/playlists' class='object.container' createClass=',' sortcriteria='+upnp:originalTrackNumber,+dc:title' restricted='0' flags='pv:playlistRoot=Picture' >
<container name='playlistrecentlyadded' filteron='pv:addedLast60' sortcriteria='-pv:addedTime' createClass='' maxitems='500' upnp:originalTrackNumber='3' restricted='1' class='object.container.playlistContainer' flags='pv:smartplaylist=1' />
<container name='playlistmostviewed' filteron='pv:playcount' sortcriteria='-pv:playcount' createClass='' maxitems='500' upnp:originalTrackNumber='1' restricted='1' class='object.container.playlistContainer' flags='pv:smartplaylist=1' />
<container name='playlistlastviewed' filteron='pv:lastPlayedTime' sortcriteria='-pv:lastPlayedTime' createClass='' maxitems='500' upnp:originalTrackNumber='2' restricted='1' class='object.container.playlistContainer' flags='pv:smartplaylist=1' />
<container name='playlisthighlyrated' filteron='pv:highrated' sortcriteria='-pv:rating' createClass='' maxitems='500' upnp:originalTrackNumber='4' class='object.container.playlistContainer' restricted='1' flags='pv:smartplaylist=1' />
<container buildon='upnp:playlist' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass=',' upnp:originalTrackNumber='5' class='object.container.playlistContainer' />
<container buildon='pv:onlineServiceName' groupid='picture/onlineservices' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container name='allname' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container buildon='pv:onlineServiceTitle' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container name='allname' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container name='keywords' createClass='' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='pv:avKeywords' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container name='album' createClass='' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:album' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container name='date' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container buildon='pv:year' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container name='allname' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container buildon='pv:month' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum'/>
<container name='author' createClass='' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='upnp:author' createClass='' class='object.container.album.photoAlbum' />
<container name='videos' id='video' upnp:originalTrackNumber='3' createClass=',,' class='object.container'>
<container name='allvideos' id='video/all' createClass='' class='object.container'/>
<container name='byfolder' id='video/folders' class='object.container.storageFolder' restricted='0' createClass=''>
<container buildon='res' createClass='' class='object.container.storageFolder'/>
<container name='title' id='video/titleindex' class='object.container' createClass=''>
<container buildon='dc:title[3]' class='object.container' createClass=''>
<container buildon='dc:title' class='object.container' createClass=''/>
<container name='byyear' id='video/year' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container buildon='pv:year' createClass='' class='object.container' />
<container name='bydate' id='video/date' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container buildon='pv:year' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container buildon='pv:month' createClass='' class='object.container'/>
<container name='rating' id='video/rating' createClass='' class='object.container' >
<container buildon='pv:rating' createClass='' class='object.container' />
<container name='playlists' id='video/playlists' class='object.container' createClass=',' sortcriteria='+upnp:originalTrackNumber,+dc:title' restricted='0' flags='pv:playlistRoot=Video' >
<container name='playlistrecentlyadded' filteron='pv:addedLast60' sortcriteria='-pv:addedTime' createClass='' maxitems='500' upnp:originalTrackNumber='3' restricted='1' class='object.container.playlistContainer' flags='pv:smartplaylist=1' />
<container name='playlistmostviewed' filteron='pv:playcount' sortcriteria='-pv:playcount' createClass='' maxitems='500' upnp:originalTrackNumber='1' restricted='1' class='object.container.playlistContainer' flags='pv:smartplaylist=1' />
<container name='playlistlastviewed' filteron='pv:lastPlayedTime' sortcriteria='-pv:lastPlayedTime' createClass='' maxitems='500' upnp:originalTrackNumber='2' restricted='1' class='object.container.playlistContainer' flags='pv:smartplaylist=1' />
<container name='playlisthighlyrated' filteron='pv:highrated' sortcriteria='-pv:rating' createClass='' maxitems='500' upnp:originalTrackNumber='4' restricted='1' class='object.container.playlistContainer' flags='pv:smartplaylist=1' />
<container buildon='upnp:playlist' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass=',' upnp:originalTrackNumber='5' class='object.container.playlistContainer' />
<container name='classifiedvideos' id='video/classified' class='object.container' createClass=''/>
<container buildon='pv:onlineServiceName' groupid='video/onlineservices' createClass='' class='object.container'>
<container buildon='pv:onlineServiceTitle' createClass='' class='object.container'/>

<view name='advanceddefault' path='advanced.view'>
<container id='music'>
<link groupid='music/BriComp' />
<link id='music/artistindex' />
<link groupid='music/BriGenre' />
<link groupid='music/BriAlbum' />
<link groupid='music/BriTunes' />
<link id='music/folders' />
<link id='music/playlists' />
<container id='video' >
<link id='video/folders' />
<link id='video/all' />
<link id='video/playlists' />

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by phibertron » Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:06 pm

Do you have a need to use more than one tree?

Meaning do you use different navtree's for different devices
If not, I know of two ways to get you to where you want to get

1. to go that path you did with re-using existing id's

2. to make it so id's are taken out of the equation

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Morg » Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:45 pm

I only want to use the modified navtree from advanced.view.xml

I don't need <pictures>.

I would like the "by folder" as root for video - I read about it in your posting, but - frankly - didn't understand (or just plain see?) the approach you took there.

The Music folder is quite elaborate for my specific music collection and should stay the way it is.

As I wrote before, I tried reusing "spare" ids (like music/artists, music/albums, music/genre, music/albumindex), but those definitions which were more complex just didn't show up...

Your help would be greatly appreciated, be it the modified file or specific tips/examples so I can understand what to do myself.


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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by phibertron » Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:08 pm

What is the downlaod link to brians files?
I can download those and work from that

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Morg » Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:12 pm

I don't know where I got those from; I guess it must be 2 years ago now.

As I altered them, they wouldn't be much help, I think... my current files are "attached" in my first posting...

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by phibertron » Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:33 pm

Ahh I understand now

I'll take a look at them a little later, and do some playing with them
to see what we can do to make them work for you

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by phibertron » Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:42 am

Ok I got them working and tested with version 7.0.7
I didnt bother trying to troubleshoot the why they werent working
instead I just cut and pasted the the custom ones into a format that I know does work

The advanced.view.xml must have each section like in the attached
so if you want to add photo;s section do it like the music and video lines
What's going on there is that by doing the code like that
It makes it use everything that is in that section of the view definition
the downside is one cant have exclusions, WYSIWYG
this will make more sense in sec

One of the things I found out is that ID's must exist, but they dont have to do anything
So what I did, was make them exist at the top of each section, but removed the name=
this makes the id work but has no name, so it can not be shown =)
so in essence they are there, but they exist as null
the second thing I do is to create the containers i do want, in your case the BriCustom ones
Those do get a name, but they do NOT get an ID, or things go kaboom and dont work
but based on Step 1 from above, which says show me everything
It is loose enough to allow us to have non-id containers that get included =)

Take a look at what I did, and it should make sense, I hope

The thing to remember, is what you now have is the ability to add containers at will
they do not need ID or GroupID, but it doesnt exist anymore
they just need a name

I made some tweaks to the video section, let me if they arent what you want
or need help tweaking it

Let me know how it goes
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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Briain » Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:54 pm

Morg wrote:I don't know where I got those from; I guess it must be 2 years ago now.

Just in case anyone is looking for them, the latest custom tree packs (which work in both Twonky 5.1 and 6.0) are actually now sitting on the Linn news sever (as space was found there for me; I'd bet it's very well firewalled) :D

Below is a copy of the tree download section from my instructions on how to update trees on Qnaps (that's a Linn forum post, so you'd likely have to join the Linn forum to see the pictures in it, but the trees are actually on the public news server and thus can be directly downloaded from the below links):

The below two options are suited to folks with large music collections:

Option 1 - Album Artist version: click here (March 2012)
Option 2 - Artists only version: click here (March 2012)

The below two options are suited to folks with smaller music collections:

Option 3 - Album Artist version: click here (March 2012)
Option 4 - Artists only version: click here (March 2012)

Most folks use option 1 or option 2 (I'm an option one kinda person). :)


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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Briain » Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:31 pm

Hi Philberton

I like your idea as quoted below:

One of the things I found out is that ID's must exist, but they don't have to do anything
So what I did, was make them exist at the top of each section, but removed the name=
this makes the id work but has no name, so it can not be shown =)
so in essence they are there, but they exist as null
the second thing I do is to create the containers i do want, in your case the BriCustom ones
Those do get a name, but they do NOT get an ID, or things go kaboom and don't work
but based on Step 1 from above, which says show me everything
It is loose enough to allow us to have non-id containers that get included =)

That's a very cool work around, but I wondered if it retains (or breaks) the existing container zero features (so would it still show the basic containers on devices that don't rely on trees). I suspect that it will not, but I just wondered if anyone had tested for that.

I'll give it a try and see if I can make it work with my album artist tree pack as it would certainly provide an easy fix for folks! I will have to think about how to test the container zero thing; I don't have anything that uses that (maybe I can borrow a PS3 from a friend; I assume they need that to work).

Bri :)

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Briain » Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:02 pm


Sadly, it doesn't seem to work (Twonky is going berserk; continually crashing and restarting) but I guess that could be down to a major tree typo; I'll check again tomorrow as it's now getting satisfyingly close to beer o' clock.

The good news is that I have two Qnaps, so although I didn't get 7.0 to fly on one of the Qnaps, I still have 6.0.38 working on the the other Qnap; that means it's now beer and loud music o'clock!


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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by phibertron » Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:09 pm

Hi Bri

Yeah, usually either a typo or other can cause the server to go into the work/crash loop you describe.

In my experience, the devices that do not rely on the tree, do get what they need,
but it is porbably a case by case basis.
For example, what Windows Media Player pulls via dlna, is not tree dependent
the xbox is another odd case when it comes to music via dlna
video does seem to use the tree

I'll download your tree's and give you some working examples of different tactics
so you can see if they meet your needs, and also see if we can further tweak them

Who do we have to pay off to get groupid back...

my biggest fear, as you have seen with groupid
is that we make all these mod's and things change that break them

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Briain » Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:40 am


I have had a few attempts at doing as you suggest, but I've not managed to show my test container on the Twonky web interface nor the control point. My thoughts to wait and see what Twonky 7 develops into over the next few months - you never know, we might get our groupid= back, or even a totally new feature to enable custom containers - so I don't think it's worth us spending lots of time on it at the moment.

My advice to the Linn users will be to stick with Twonky 6.0.38 for now as that has proven to be pretty robust (though oddly, the ones running on the NAS's at Linn keep crashing and restarting) and I'll look into making TMS7 trees after we get clarification on what the process will be (assuming there will be one).

Personally, I am using Twonky for pictures + videos and I'm using MinimServer for music, but I certainly will come back to the custom trees project for the rest of the community :)


PS I did successfully set it to default to showing full resolution art by default. This is useful for users of control points that don't announce themselves (it saves them setting them manually after every database rebuild) and I did by changing the Generic_Media_Receiver.xml file to the below:

Code: Select all

		<DisplayName>Generic Media Receiver</DisplayName>
I simply added a <Capabilities> section to the end of the Generic one.

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by phibertron » Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:32 am

Nice tweak to the Generic_Media_Receiver.xml

I did some playing around with the trees

Option 1 - Album Artist version: click here (March 2012)
Option 2 - Artists only version: click here (March 2012)
Option 3 - Album Artist version: click here (March 2012)
Option 4 - Artists only version: click here (March 2012)

The first thing I did was to create custom.view.xml

Code: Select all

<view name='custom' path='custom.view'>
		<container id='music' />
		<container id='picture' />
		<container id='video' />
The second thing I did was to make that the only reference
in the view-definitions.xml

Code: Select all

<view name='base' viewlist='custom' guilist='custom'>
Those 2 things make it all work as is, after a server restart
It is just a proof of concept
As to go any further, say for example they wanted the myTwonky stuff there
or they wanted to pick and choose containers from those available
it would involve the rest of what I was talking about
in that we either move the id's out of the root containers
or we make them have no names

I call this the highlander project, as there can only be one navtree...

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Morg » Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:10 pm

[quote="phibertron"]Ok I got them working and tested with version 7.0.7...

Take a look at what I did, and it should make sense, I hope[/quote]

Sorry for only now getting back to you...

At first - many thanks for your help, these work just fine with 7.0.8 (up to now :mrgreen: ).

I guess now I understand how to exclude builtins and how to include custom views - thanks again!

and btw - Briain (as the original creator of "my" files), I hope you like to see your files (and ideas!) put to good use ;)

Best regards

edit -

1. I guess there is a plan behind not being able to activate BBCode?
2. I see thar integrating folders at the tree base is working, but I don't think I have understood why this isn't just another tree item...

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by phibertron » Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:49 pm

Glad to hear its up and working
1. I guess there is a plan behind not being able to activate BBCode?
For a while they had a bunch of spammers, still do every now and then
so in order to fend of the chaos
they had to diable a few things

If you want/need the ability, just ping rick, and ask him to hook you up
2. I see thar integrating folders at the tree base is working, but I don't think I have understood why this isn't just another tree item...
The buildon=res wokrs as expected when inside of a name=something container
trying to put that at the root of the navtree was the holy grail, which can be done in 6.x
but in 7.x that doesnt work
but as you can see it can be put it inside of the video container
some people wnat only and only folders, some want other things
its all about preference
unless that preference is not doable
then all hell breaks loose =)

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Morg » Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:25 pm

Ah, I see - another mystery lifted :-)

It's good to have people like you out there, who not only know but share. Thank you!

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by phibertron » Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:21 am

Thanks Man
And I too rely on those who know something and share it
as someone always knows something we dont
and you can bet well be asking lots of questions =)

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Briain » Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:59 pm

Morg wrote:
...and btw - Briain (as the original creator of "my" files), I hope you like to see your files (and ideas!) put to good use ;)
Hi Morg

I am delighted that they were of use as a framework to help you develop your own versions! I initially wrote them for myself as I needed to bring out the albumartist value, and I also needed to use alpha-grouping (and having done all that work, it seemed sensible to publish them such that the wider community could benefit). The reason for the alpha-grouping was that early control points (like Kinsky PDA on a Win Mobile 6 HP214 PDA) crashed when you tried to send them more than a few hundred items. Early iPhones were limited to 2,000 and I think the early iPad was 20,000 (though I'm not sure on that last one). The other reason for alpha-grouping was navigation speed and CP response speed, so I still use it even though modern CP's (and software) can cope with bigger list sizes. An example would be when you wanted to play the album 'Zuma'; alpha-grouping means you can navigate directly to the 'Z' container and swiftly select it (useful when you have many thousands of albums).
phibertron wrote:
Above post: I did some playing around with the trees
Hi Philberton

Thank you for checking that out and I see what I was doing incorrectly. I was trying to keep the playlists and mytwonky containers as well as the other views and the standard Twonky pictures and videos containers.

My aspirations when building the Twonky 6 trees included maintaining maximum compatibility (i.e. no loss of functionality to other devices) and thus I kept the container zero parts from the original Twonky tree (though I did slim them down a great deal to ensure maximum performance; as an example, the PV supplied genre part of the tree was cut back to a very basic container). I then added my own containers and created shortcuts to them in the advanced view (and included links to the PV original playlists containers). I could have created a totally custom view, but that Twonky defaults to the advanced view (after a db rebuild) removes the need for users to have to look at yet another setting (they already have to select the Linn CP after a rebuild as Linn believe that using the user agent information to set art resolution is an unsound architecture; I do wish they'd change that stance as I spend half my life answering PM's and emails from Linn owners asking me why their art is at 160 pixels).

Looking at where we are with Twonky 7, I can see that in order to maintain compatibility with all devices and to include the playlists etc (standard Twonky provided containers) I would have to create a new container outside the Music/Picture/Video ones and also perform the other tricks you have outlined to make them selectable. Whilst that would certainly be possible, it is quite a lot of work to do it and it means folks have to change several more files than they had to with Twonky 6. Personally, I think the answer is for Twonky to reintroduce the groupid feature if they are open to us building trees for their customers; without that, my view is that it's not even worth considering.

Bri :)

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Twonky_Rick » Fri Jul 20, 2012 4:17 pm

Thanks for the feedback Bri. I'll pass this on to Christian.

- Rick
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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Briain » Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:42 pm

phibertron wrote:
I call this the highlander project, as there can only be one navtree...
I guess 'Project Highlander' could also encompass our campaign to have groupid= reintroduced. :lol:

The minor issue is that living in Edinburgh, I'm officially a lazy lowlander (though I do drink highland and Islay whisky). :P

The major issue is that a Twonky highlander with a big sword seems to have stealthily sneaked up and chopped off our groupid's! :shock:
TMM_Product_Manager wrote:Thanks for the feedback Bri. I'll pass this on to Christian.

- Rick
Thanks Rick; it would be great to know if there are any intensions to cater for custom trees going forward. If there are intensions to cater for them, it makes no sense to spend ages working on them now (and risking compatibility issues) only to find things change again in the near future.

Bri :)

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Twonky_Rick » Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:04 am

I don't know of anything coming up on the roadmap that would break trees going forward. I don't know why support was pulled for that.

The last time I asked about tree customization, I was told that it wasn't really possible to create a tool like we had before because we now have some many different partners on so many different platforms and doing that would cause big problems.

If you have a few questions how to get your old trees working on 7.0, I'll be happy to take them to the tree experts and see if they can help.

- Rick
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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Morg » Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:12 am

And now for something completely different...

I hate someone coming to me and asking me to fix his computer if he "has not done anything".... well, there you go.

I installed the view-definitions and the advanced view and it ran quite happily, except for not showing videos as I had not connedted the usb drive.

I am not aware that I did anything, but -

if I show the status page, it says "0 videos, 0 photos, 0 songs", still it's working all through my music and video library.

In the twonky "web library browser" it shows no videos, that is no video navigation whatsoever, except for the "video" button; under "music" the navigation is shown, works as expected and provides my music.

Any ideas what went wrong? When starting, the log file gives no errors. It did give a warning about "video/classified" which went away when I removed the (unused) classified-view.xml.

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by phibertron » Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:30 am


I was just working on another thread in regards to folder's etc
We ran into the issue of the video files count being "0"
luckily the poster noticed you had the same issue

I have attached a revised copy of the view-definitions.xml
that should resolve that issue

long story short, the null name method, has some issues with count
was trying to make life easier, was an almos perfect way
but dont despair, I have it tweaked again =)

let me know how it goes
(20.87KiB)Downloaded 643 times

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Morg » Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:59 am


thanks for your feedback. Either you're in a completely different time zone or don' mind staying up late.. :)

It works - partly.

The nav-trees are shown as wanted and are usable via web interface and UPnP browser - fine!

The item count ist wrong, though. It shows 817 videos, which is too much, it's only about 480. And the song count shows 7, which is obviously wrong, otherwise the navtree would be way off.

But as long as I can use the server again, that's fine with me :mrgreen:

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by phibertron » Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:11 pm


Im in the U.S. EST time zone, and yeah Im a night owl, its hard to turn the thinking cap off
And the house is usually quite, so I can actually get real thinking accomplished
without distractions for the most part

Good to hear that the navtree is working as wanted/expected
Still curious about the count issue though
I am running 7.0.7 on production WHS windows 2003 server for the house
And the tactics used there are the same I used for you
and the count is correct
My test on 7.0.9 was good also, but my test server, does not have enough content
to be completely sure
If I find out any more root/cause on the count thing, I will let you know =)

A guess though might be that it is realated to the cache or a content rescan
If you are willing, if you clear the server cache, does the count issue get resolved

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Morg » Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:34 pm

I'm running 7.0.8 on Debian Squeeze.

Just for the protocol - whenever I change anything in the view definitions, I do the following:
- delete old log file (just for easiness of reading)
- delete /var/twonky/Twonkyserver/db/ directory
- delete /var/twonky/Twonkyserver/
- delete /var/twonky/Twonkyserver/twonky-locations-70.db

So the server has to rebuild the whole db on every restart. Did I miss anything? :)

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by phibertron » Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:48 pm

I run it on a WD MyBook Live and on a HPex485 Windows Home Server (Windows 2003)

the paths are a litle different on the WD
due to WD firmware updates and there scripts
I make twonky conform to what they do, so I dont have to keep
reinventing the wheel

So I currently have 7.0.8 installed to

The startup scripts from WD point appdir to

I usually delete that folder /DataVolume/cache/twonkymedia
and just the appdir from the startup scripts re-create it

you method looks good,
the reason I delete the whole thing,
is that in the past not deleting the twonkyserver.ini has caused some wierd issues
back in the 5.x 6.x versions

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Briain » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:54 pm

Twonky_Rick wrote:I don't know of anything coming up on the roadmap that would break trees going forward. I don't know why support was pulled for that.

The last time I asked about tree customization, I was told that it wasn't really possible to create a tool like we had before because we now have some many different partners on so many different platforms and doing that would cause big problems.

If you have a few questions how to get your old trees working on 7.0, I'll be happy to take them to the tree experts and see if they can help.

- Rick
Hi Rick

I understand why a tool would be difficult and could cause support issues for TP vendors. As I mentioned ages ago, one way to address that requirement would have been to make approved trees available on your site, and include a facility to upload them to Twonky's views directory via the Twonky web interface. As long as customers could put it back to normal (perhaps a 'restore to default settings' button that overwrites any custom trees with the original xml files; these could be kept in a system directory) then that would go a very long way to removing additional support issues.

All that conceptual design stuff aside, there is now a far more fundamental issue in that the custom tree option has been hacked out of Twonky altogether. To be honest, I just can't see how an answer can be derived without first re-introducing the groupid= code into Twonky. I would be delighted if you could raise this at the next team briefing and thus see if anyone does have any thoughts on whether there will be a way forward (or whether this is now a dead concept). It's not actually an issue for me as I'm reasonably happy with Twonky 6, but there are a lot of others who do now depend on my custom trees, and at some stage, I guess they might wish to update to Twonky 7 for reasons I'm as yet unaware of (maybe new features relating to video files or new client support). It is thus entirely on their behalf that I am asking the question on whether custom trees will be considered, or whether they are now simply a thing of the past.

Kind regards

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Re: Converting navtree from 6.x to 7.x?

Post by Twonky_Rick » Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:19 pm

Your comments are always appreciated Bri. I will share your comments with the server team. If I get a response, I'll post it here.

- Rick
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