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WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 10:50 pm
by j4940
Hello everyone, I reciently purchased a Western Digital My Book Live and was using it to stream my Media to my PS3, and my Box Office Media Player, and it was working fine and then BOOM, it just quit working. The devices see the drive but are showiing nothing on it, but my computer is showing everything. I have looked through all the WD forums, and on here and see nothing that seems to be a fix. Is the new Twonky update going to be available for upgrade on Western Digitals MyBookLive hard drives? Is there a fix for this problem? If I have to pay for Twonky, I don't care, I just want it to work!!!!!

Re: WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:21 am
by parnott
Do you see any media files when you use your web browser to go to the address- http://<ipaddressof yourwdmybook>:9000/webbrowse

Re: WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:28 am
by j4940
Just finally got it to work. I' m going to keep my fingers crossed that it doesn't happen again!

Re: WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:13 pm
by RichW
[quote="parnott"]Do you see any media files when you use your web browser to go to the address- http://<ipaddressof yourwdmybook>:9000/webbrowse[/quote]

I have the same problem. When I do what you ask above there are no files. Maybe I have the server name wrong. It is TwonkyMedia[%MyBookLive%].

Any assistance you can give me would be appreciated.

Re: WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:50 pm
by phibertron
Maybe I have the server name wrong. It is TwonkyMedia[%MyBookLive%].
When you go to your MyBook via a web browser for http://<ipaddressofyourwdmybook>:9000
does it bring up the twonky page?

Re: WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:48 pm
by j4940
Well, I thought I had it fixed, and then presto chango, it goes down again. This is getting really frustrating. Have been talking to Western Digital support, and they have told me to return the drive! Geez, way to stand behind your product! I have gone back in, and reset the stuff in Twonky, but I don't understand why it intermittantly will not recognize any of the files on my drive other than from my computer. My WD2go Pro apps work fine on both my iPad and iPhone. Its just my devices - Patriot OfficeBox and my PS3. I know other people are having the same problem. Any thoughts on a fix???????

Re: WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:28 pm
by Twonky_Rick
We are constantly sending server updates to all of our NAS partners, but there are often long delays before they are released. Some companies decide not to do updates after a certain point in time. I don't know what WD's policy is on this.

- Rick

Re: WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:46 pm
by j4940
TMM_Product_Manager wrote:We are constantly sending server updates to all of our NAS partners, but there are often long delays before they are released. Some companies decide not to do updates after a certain point in time. I don't know what WD's policy is on this.

- Rick
So is there any current talk on the subject between western digital and twonky on the problem? It doesn't reflect favorable on either company when so many people are having the same problem, but neither company will take responsibility to either fix it, or to communicate with each other to fix the problem. Please keep me and others update. Thanks.

Re: WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:45 pm
by Twonky_Rick
I agree. I will post updates here as they are provided to me.

- Rick

Re: WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 12:03 am
by parnott
Have you tried posting over in the WD Mybook Live forum-

There is a fairly long thread about Twonky on this WD device here- ... d-p/119792

Re: WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:14 am
by redrick
parnott wrote:Do you see any media files when you use your web browser to go to the address- http://<ipaddressof yourwdmybook>:9000/webbrowse
Sorry for the answer to this month's old question, combined with a urgent plea for help. I've just got one of these MYBOOKLIVE cloud drives. They do some nice things but with the Twonky the problem is they try to run things, overriding the Twonky software, and that causes the failures and complaints I notice in their fora.
You can go to the Twonky config page and make any changes you want, but the MYBOOKLIVE overrides them. It designates ALL the folders on the Public drives. Worse, it insists on -1 in the "rescan in minutes page" so the rescan sooner or later comes around to the file you're playing and you drop the stream at best or with some devices you can't get twonky back without a hard reset.

The user only has three buttons for the user: A check box to turn twonky on or off, a button that rebuilds the database, and, LOL, a Rescan button, which is uselessly redundant as the system is constantly rescanning.

Unfortunately none of this is getting addressed because most users think the problem is that they can't upgrade from the version 5.1.9 that's on there. I'm sure version 6 has some nice things, but my modest needs were met with an old, sadly now retiring Maxtor NAS with version 4.4 installed on it. What's needed is not new Twonky software but new WD firmware.

The best answer would be if someone could figure out a way to bypass the WD twonky controls, leaving them off altogether, so that the twonky server could be run by it's own config pages.



Re: WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:36 am
by Patval
Here is the reply I received from WD Tech Support.

"Unfortunately there is no update on the My Book World to upgrade the Twonky media server, and we do not provide support to upgrade the Twonky Media Server on the hard drive, because this will change the intended behavior of the unit and may lead to data corruption and data loss. You can find information on how to do this over users forums and the Internet"

Can someone from Twonky to advise us on how it can be done by our self on a WD NAS?

Best Regards


Re: WD My Book Live problems and Twonky

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:05 pm
by redrick
Patval wrote:Here is the reply I received from WD Tech Support.

"Unfortunately there is no update on the My Book World to upgrade the Twonky media server, and we do not provide support to upgrade the Twonky Media Server on the hard drive, because this will change the intended behavior of the unit and may lead to data corruption and data loss. You can find information on how to do this over users forums and the Internet"

Can someone from Twonky to advise us on how it can be done by our self on a WD NAS?

Best Regards

Again, trouble is, WD's "intended behavior" just isn't happening. Hardware companies just don't make good software, software designers do. So just try to give us a WD firmware that lets Twonky do what it does and the drive do what it does. & I can see why Twonky has sympathy but certainly doesn't want to try to get inside the heads of the hardware-oriented WD guys. I know the desire to update Twonky, but you might think twice about doing anything "unsupported" until WD gets their act together.

'Course, the open source folk that design a way to put v6 on the WD might well fix some of the WD problems in the process without anything more than a bit of a giggle. The guys who work for free are good because they don't have some clown wearing a tie (how you ID a "manager", btw) like the one Pat quoted standing over their shoulder trying to pretend they have a clue.

Best back at you,
