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Twonky Server 7 New Feature: includefolder

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:20 pm
by phibertron
The following is from the twonky server ini

# set to 1 to include the folder name of the shares in the 'By Folder' navigation

By setting this to enabled, it allows something a lot of people have been asking for

To be able to manage or navigate seperate content locations in the navtree

Previously If you had the following


Browse by folder would show a concatenated list of folders from all three shares

By using includefolder=1
You can now see "Movies" "Videos" "Televsion" at the root of by folder
It gives you more of an explorer point of view

In any case it is a great new feature and welcomed new ability

Thanks Twonky

Re: Twonky Server 7 New Feature: includefolder

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:49 pm
by jof
Whoopie! :D
I like the sound of that.
So when is v7 likely to be out?

Re: Twonky Server 7 New Feature: includefolder

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 7:51 pm
by phibertron
When who knows...
But I would "guess" since they are using it on mytwonky
it shouldnt be too long before they either release something whether it be a beta or a release