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Remote access guide please!

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:17 am
by Kos
When will the official people of Twonky make a decent FAQ?

For instance - the newest REAL server development, the remote access feature, takes a degree in IT engineering to implement. This guide from a kind customer (I am not after you, dogbot123!) is absolutely absurd:

Twonky ought to take a look at Mediamonkey’s site (and user forum) – the help there is unlimited!

I love my Twonky server and have been using it for 18 months now. But the customer orientation of the company is... well, there is room for improvement.


take my webbrowse-js add on

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:59 pm
by HaPe

I expect that you know how to setup your router to rout the port 9000 of you Twonky server to you external IP address and that you know how to get you external IP address when you are not at home (e.g. dyndns)

Then give this a try:
1) Install Version 4.4.1 =>
2) Install my add on =>
3) config your router and dyndns service
4) got to http://your.external.ip.address:9000/webbrowse-js and listen to your music

You should save this web page in any way that not everybody can download you mp3 files. You can do this by setting a user and password in the Twonky Web interface.


Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:14 pm
by Kos
Thanks - but no: I don't know how to do the things you mention. Sorry. Not quite plug and play this brand new feature I guess...

Twonky is the only piece of software I have bought through the years were the IT jargon is so embedded. I don't see why.
