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Permantent URIs wanted

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:19 am
by rwa
Hi, Does anyone have any comments on the following?

The URIs offered up from from twonky are of the form:

Where a,b,c,d are numbered identifiers assigned by twonky when an item is scanned.

These identifiers are temporary and are likely to change on a rescan. This is causing me problems when saving audio tracks created by Twonky to a playlist - The URIs I save in an M3U become invalid when I rescan.

I'd like to get access to a "permanent" URI. For example, a URI constructed from the "folder" view could be considered "permanent". eg,

I'd like twonky to additionally offer up media files under this style of URI as well as the current "O$a$b$c$d.mp3"

Is this possible? Or is there some other solution to creating playlists from Twonky URIs?