File folder is looks empty? Server 5.1.3

General discussion about the media server. Feature requests. Hints, tips and tricks.
Joined:Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:39 am
AV Hardware:XP Pc, with external harddrive for movies
La Cie Mediacenter, Blackmax

Internet on XP PC wireless
La Cie Blackmax connected by ethernet
File folder is looks empty? Server 5.1.3

Post by DroeneZ » Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:50 am

Hi there,

I hope anyone can help me out here?!

I've got a windows XP machine with an external harddrive used for storage of movies. I've got an La Cie black max connected true Ethernet. Internet is connected wireless on the XP machine.

Now i've bought and installed MediaServer 5.1.3. After installation i selected the right folders on the external hard drives with the right types of folder on the harddisk. But when is check true my Blackmax it's got a connection, but there are now folders shown. Also on the mediabrowser in Twonky it seems to be empty.

I can't get it work!! But it was working on the trial version, worked perfect!

Here a small screenshot of Twonky settings:

Gebruikt geheugen: 228 KB
Laatste database verandering: momenteel bezig
Muziek Bestand: 0
Afbeeldingen: 0
Video's: 0

Licentie-informatie: De server is geregistreerd
Registratie sleutel : BLOCKED!!
tijd sinds laatste start: 0 Dagen, 0:00:01 Uren
Productiedatum van de server: Feb 4 2010
Server moet herstart worden? Server zal herstart worden: nee
Windows Media DRM-status: n/a (click here)

It's keeping this image, including the 'laatste database verandering'.

Can anyone help me here?? I'd really want to play my movies again. :)

Thanks in advance!!

greetz Jeroen, Holland
