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TMS 6.0.1 - bugs and comments

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:30 pm
by MartinS
I'll hereby open another thred for the new version 6.0.1 since the 6.0.0 was unusable for me because it did not pick up any MKV file for my installation on a Bufallo Linkstation Pro.

The new 6.0.1 is working great, everything now installs perfectly, the flash web pages now work without my help, all files will be picked up in warp speed - except my DVDs. Scanning through my 1500 video, 4000 photos and 11000 music tracks only takes like 15 minutes, but I went to bed after watching the TMS scan through only a few dozen DVDs two hours later without the job being finished.

Anybody experiencing the same? This seems to be the only flaw, and since my WD HD TV Live cannot playback DVD menu structures and I watch them with VLC anyway, I'd rather not scan the directories if there no solution to it.

Another thing just happened - one of my newer MKVs did not play audio on my WD from the TMS, while playing perfectly with VLC using a file share on the Linkstation - maybe a coincidence...



Update :

After changing "rescan in minutes" to "-1" and restarting the TMS it scans all files really fast.

Re: TMS 6.0.1 - bugs and comments

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:24 am
by michelr
I just installed it a few minutes ago. Rebuilt the database relatively fast (30780 songs, 384 videos.) I noticed something weird on the status page:

Version: 6.0.1
Cache memory: 18014398507832818 KB

That cache memory display is wrong. It was fine in 6.0.

I'll be playing with it over the next few days, will report problems if I find any.

Edit: I restarted the server and now the cache shows 12551 KB, which is pretty much what I expected. Looks like the big number noted above only shows up after a database rebuild.

Re: TMS 6.0.1 - bugs and comments

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:56 pm
by john.glasson
Currently trialling 6.0.1 on Western Digital World Edition 'white light'.

It doesn't seem to work smoothly: long delays sometimes to uPnP requests, plus the HTML admin interface is sometimes very slow to respond. I'd have suspected that the serve had crashed and was re-starting but the admin interface reports that it's been up for several hours so I guess it can't be this - or does the uptime relate to how long the watchdog has been up?

John Glasson

Re: TMS 6.0.1 - bugs and comments

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:09 pm
by john.glasson
To add to my last: the server appears to hang at the end of the first track of an album. The Admin web interface won't open. If I SSH into my WD and run 'top', it shows the twonky processes running but using very little cpu.

The same music collection works fine with 5.1.3 so I don't think that it's a metadata problem.

John Glasson

Re: TMS 6.0.1 - bugs and comments

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:36 am
by michelr
I was hoping this problem would go away, but it's still there: I'm sometimes missing data in some music categories. For example, I was under Artist Index and couldn't find the band "Razor Fist", but "Razor" was there twice (and both listed the same albums.) Under "Artist" alone, "Razor" was there once, and "Razor Fist" was there.

Also, under Genre/Artist, sometimes a couple of artists are missing. I can sometimes "get them back" by scrolling down a couple of pages and coming back up. Sometimes only half a page is displayed on the screen. I never had this problem back when I was running 4.4.18 on Vista and later Windows 7 on my PC.

Running 6.0.1 on an Acer H340 server running Windows Home Server. Media player is a D-Link DSM-520.

P.S. Before the edit, this post mentioned a problem with genres not being updated properly. Upon further investigation, it turns out that it was my media player software that was not always updating the tag properly. Using MP3Tag solved the problem - so this was not a TwonkyServer issue.

Sort order in Folder view [solved]

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:58 pm
by angrest
... don't know if that was the case in V5 builds - but when using the navigation by folder, titles are sorted alphabetically (ignoring the file name) unlike in V4 builds. Thus, if I had an album consisting of two CDs with two titles each
1-01 ZZZ
1-02 BBB
2-01 AAA
2-02 CCC
the directory navigation would create a listing
which is of little use. If I navigate to the same album via another structure, e.g. genre/album, sort order is as expected. Is there any way to put that into the correct order?

p.s.: in case it matters, I'm on a Linkstation Pro.

in resources/views/view-definitions.xml
change the definition from
<container name='byfolder' id='music/folders' class='object.container.storageFolder' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='res' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.storageFolder' />


<container name='byfolder' id='music/folders' class='object.container.storageFolder' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack'>
<container buildon='res' sortcriteria='+pv:numberOfThisDisc,+upnp:originalTrackNumber' createClass='object.item.audioItem.musicTrack' class='object.container.storageFolder' />

pps: seems to run stable; but i looks like the database is being rebuilt on every boot. Is that intended?

Re: TMS 6.0.1 - bugs and comments

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:30 am
by Briain

The Linux x86 glibc version works very well on the TS-659, but the Linux sparc glibc version does not work on the sparc CPU Netgear ReadyNAS. It might half-work with very small music collections, but with a medium sized collection (5000 files) the menu navigation is extremely slow and with a large collection (29,000 files) the system doesn't work at all (the menu's are inaccessible). With the ReadyNAS, it's immediately obvious that there is a problem (even with smaller collections) as it takes three times longer than 5.1.5 to build the database.


Re: TMS 6.0.1 - bugs and comments

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:29 pm
by demolish
Linux Redhat EL 5.3
Twonky 6.0.1
There is definitely a problem with announcing content to clients.
From a brand new install, after starting Twonky, it performs a scan (small database 1307 music files, 4176 photos) and at the end of the scan a Nero client can see all music and photos.
I have set rescan to 0, i.e. do not rescan.
In the morning, 8 hours later Nero can see nothing.
I turn on the Sony Bravia TV which has never registered with this DLNA server yet, since it is a new install and I did not test it immediately after the install. The TV sees nothing also, however on the Twonky Server configuration page for “Media Receivers”, Sony Bravia shows up as a device and is automatically enabled. Twonky is therefore clearly doing some communication, just not displaying any content to the clients after X amount of time from starting / rescan.
(I know the Sony Bravia can display content because I viewed content from a previous install. The previous install had similar problems and noted that smbiod process was causing problems so I assumed the problems were related to this process, hence I upgraded Linux (from Redhat EL 4).)
I can still view any of the content via the Twonky server web page.
I conclude that this version has issues and is nothing to do with drives going to sleep, as suggested by other user’s posts. None of my drives sleep and they are mounted on another PC (remote NAS device).

Re: TMS 6.0.1 - bugs and comments

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:15 pm
by demolish
Update to my previous post.
Disabling the plugins seems to have fixed the issue of no content available.
There was no connection to the Internet on my initial launch so that probably caused some issues with the Media feeds.
A restart with the plugins disabled and all content is still available 24 hours later and rescan set to 0.

Re: TMS 6.0.1 - bugs and comments

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:58 pm
by Wires
This verision, just like every other one since 5.1.4 still won't function after a Windows Server x64 reboot. Works perfectly until you bounch the server, and then Twonky won't start again.

Is there something in the install that it does something on the reboot? When it's installing, at the end it mentions deleting folders or something on the reboot.

I cannot run anything newer than 5.1.3..... :cry:

Re: TMS 6.0.1 - bugs and comments

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:51 am
by Big11
First appologize for my English but it is not my native language..

i was running TMS 5.0.46r2 on a "GigaNAS Dual-HDD" NAS and it worked well
now i was trying to upgrade to Version 6.0.1

As there is no pre-configured Package available I took a "non-Supported" package

copied the files in the same Directory where first ver. 5.0.46r2 resides.
started the Server -> /usr/local/twonkymedia/ start

then i had Access to the web Page und configured out for my needs
also the key from my Version 5 and saved the changes and restartet the Server as mentioned

After switching off the NAS und Power this on again, all my Configuration is lost !!

I already checked the Permissions to the Folder /var/twonkymedia/twonkymedia/ and
/usr/local/twonkymedia and all seems to bee ok and all writable..

Any Ideas?
Thx in advance

Re: TMS 6.0.1 - bugs and comments

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:18 pm
by Georg

after running the TMS 6.0.1 on both ("stable" and "dev", both Buffalo LS Pro) systems for a couple of weeks now, I can say that I'm quite happy with it. One bug that I reported with the RC candidates has made it into the stable version:

The navigation tree settings for the clients does not reliable survive a TMS restart. I've created a customized nav tree called "wd", which works well and which is assigned to the WD TV Live and a Philips TV. The stable system is shut off every night. After restarting TMS *usually* the WD TV is reset to "advanceddefault", while for the Philips TV the "wd" setting was kept the past weeks. The change was not only in the TMS GUI, but acutally the navigation from the WD TV was reset to the advanced tree.
Now I've edited clients.db and added DV:wd to the WD TV Live description... Since this change the WD's drop down field for the nav tree in the GUI is grayed out, but *sometimes* the text is not "wd" as expected but often advanceddefault, the last restart gave the ipodlike entry. I've even seen cases where the Philips TV had the nav tree drop box grayed out and the WD drop box was selectable...

Maybe you can have a look into this for the upcoming 6.0.2.