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Need assistance with Transcoding

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:12 pm
by irenebalogun
I'm currently evaluating Twonky Server 5.0.46 on Ubunto8.10 for use with my Xbox360. So far, I'm really loving it. I've tried TVersity and a few others, but Twonky definitely seems more reliable and I'm quite happy with it except when it comes to transcoding. I've searched the forums and I don't see any definitive answers about how to get transcoding working. I've read the transcoding.html that comes with the release but it seems to me that it assumes a lot of knowledge that I just don't have. I am an intelligent person but I don't know much about the ins and out of video and audio codecs. Can somebody write up a guide that explains it to me like I'm a three year old? I seem to have two problems. First is files with the wrong codec. I have a few mkv's that I'd like to get working ... and then I have some that are AVI's but still the Xbox says it is an unsupported codec. How do I go about determining what codec is wrong and from that point what do I do to get the transcoding working? The other problem I have is a few files that stutter and skip constantly. I am using Twonky over a wireless network, but most files steam just fine. There are a few that consistently have the stuttering problem. From the research I've been attempting to do I think it may be that they are a higher bitrate than my network can handle? TVersity provided the option to transcode these to a lower bitrate. Is this what I need to do here? Again, how?

If I can get this working, I will buy a full license. Otherwise I think I'll end up looking elsewhere because there are lots of options for media servers that can do simple streaming without transcoding!

Re: Need assistance with Transcoding

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:31 pm
by irenebalogun
I'm not trying to be obnoxious ... but no response at all after 4 days is a bit worrisome. Searching the forums reveals that this is an issue that many people are having. Is this indicative of the level of support I would receive if I were to purchase a license?

Re: Need assistance with Transcoding

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:17 pm
by mgillespie
irenebalogun wrote:I'm not trying to be obnoxious ... but no response at all after 4 days is a bit worrisome. Searching the forums reveals that this is an issue that many people are having. Is this indicative of the level of support I would receive if I were to purchase a license?

You of course realize that these forums are not a channel for official support...

Unfortunately, Twonky simply don't have the resources to read every thread here, incase one of the posts is asking for support. The ONLY support channel, is the via the Twonky website.

Re: Need assistance with Transcoding

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 5:40 pm
by splee
If you have 5.0.46 installed already, look at transcoding.html in the cgi-bin directory for information n how to setup on the fly transcoding. It works well for me.

Re: Need assistance with Transcoding

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:20 pm
by irenebalogun
I have read the transcoding.html file many times and tried my very best to follow the instructions. However, they have not worked and I don't know enough about video codecs and the like to tell if the problem is me or if it is something else. Since others don't seem to have trouble, I think it is fairly likely that I am doing something wrong. However, I have been unable to figure out where.

I ended up buying a license back in February. I sent an email to support in early March. After 10 days or so with no response other than the automated acknowledgement I sent another email. They sent another email saying "we'll get back to you very soon". It is now MAY and I have not heard back again despite other emails politely requesting attention.

I do understand that support cannot handhold every individual user ... however, the complete lack of response is nothing short of rude (especially for a paying customer). All I really need is a bit of a walkthrough on one darn file and then I'm certain that I could extend that knowledge to any other formats that I needed. I'd even be willing to document what I learned so that others could benefit.

Harumph. Color me disgruntled.