Installing on Maxtor Central Axis

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Joined:Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:28 am
AV Hardware:Xbox 360, Maxtor Central Axis
Installing on Maxtor Central Axis

Post by ncplumb » Mon Dec 22, 2008 5:04 am

So I have read many different fourms and still working on trying to share the media from my "Maxtor Central Axis" to the "Xbox 360", WITH OUT a seperate computer running some 3rd party media server software...

Xbox Scene has told me to check into some third party software to mybe install on the NIC HDD itself.
I have now come across the TwonlyMedia and it seems to be the best software I have found yet for streaming when using a seperate pc to connect them.

I also beleive I have read here that some ppl have managed to update their MyBook HDD's to alow the sharing/streaming with/out the use of a pc...

Most of the fourms I have read here that show the steps to do this are coded for Lunix/Mac users. Im am running Windows XP.

Here is the List of devices.

Central Axis
-pluged into
Linksys Wirelsss G "WRT54G2 Router
-sharing wireless to
XBOX 360, and PC's

Can anyone help with info for me. I have read somewhere the the Maxtor Axis doesnt support adding files to the /Root Dir., not sure tho.

Q. Is it possibale to install on my Maxtor Axis?

Thanks for any comments.

Joined:Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:07 am
AV Hardware:Maxtor Axis 1T NAS
Xbox 360(s) and Workstations

Re: Installing on Maxtor Central Axis

Post by Nasscar][ » Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:07 am

I have a Maxtor Central Axis with TwonkyMedia 4.6 & 5.01 installed.

Curretnly there are a few bugs but all and all it works fine.

I'm pretty happy with Twonkymedia but I am tired of "the" lack of communication with NAS supported devices.

Currently downloading 4.6 & 5.01 has been disabled. If you are interested in talking about setup and installation just pm me.


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