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include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6.034

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:27 am
by bigwig

I use a Qnap TS 110 Turbo as NAS in my Homenetwork on which is running Twonkey Media Server.

I tried to share my iTunes Playlists with the Twonkey Media Player.
In Version 4 i typed in the path of my iTunes Library and it worked!

Now I installed Version 6 of Twonkey Media Server and there is no Possibility to set the path for iTunes xml File.

So i changed the /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config/twonkyvision-mediaserver6.ini to

# full path to the iTunes library .xml file
ituneslib=/share/Multimedia/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml

But it also doesn't work!

Can somebody help me?

I know the question is often called but there are no answers!


Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:11 pm
by parnott
Are really sure that /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config/twonkyvision-mediaserver6.ini is the ini file that Twonky is using?

Normally the file is named twonkymedia-server.ini. Try and locate this file on your device by-
1. Telnet or SSH to your NAS and log in as root.
2. Enter the following command-
find / -name twonkymedia-server.ini

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:13 pm
by bigwig
I think it is! I changed the language in the browser interface and it also was changed in the twonkyvision-mediaserver6.ini

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:00 pm
by parnott
OK then. Post the contents of the Twonky startup script so we can verify this. It should be located in /etc/init.d

Would also request you do step 2 previously mentioned and post the results.

Also do the following and post the results-
enter into your web browser- http://<ip.address.of.your.NAS>:9000/rpc/get_option?ituneslib

This will give us a better idea of what is going on.

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:16 pm
by bigwig
Okay! I will do it at the weekend because I'm not at home this week!
Thank you in anticipation

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:08 pm
by bigwig

1. There is also an twonkeymedia-server.ini but i think it is the ini of the Twonkeymedia Server 5 which is preinstalled but deactivatet.
I changed the name of the file and twonkey 6 is still working

2. The Answer of "http://<ip.address.of.your.NAS>:9000/rpc/get_option?ituneslib" is "/share/HDA_DATA/Qmultimedia/iTunes/iTunes Library.xml" This is the correct Adress

3. The startup file: "#!/bin/sh
. /etc/init.d/wait_RR
echo system startup will be done by /dev/rtc ..."

4. I found an twonkeymedia-server.ini.default in /mnt/ext/opt/twonkeymedia

friendlyname=TwonkyMedia [%HOSTNAME%]
platform=TS-Series NAS

5. Autostart Script of TwonkeyMedia6 "" in /share/HDA_DATA/.qpkg/Twonkymedia/ (I think it is the install folder)

# MediaServer Control File written by Itzchak Rehberg
# Modified for fedora/redhat by Landon Bradshaw <>
# Adapted to TwonkyMedia 3.0 by TwonkyVision GmbH
# Adapted to TwonkyMedia 4.0 by TwonkyVision GmbH
# This script is intended for SuSE and Fedora systems. Please report
# problems and suggestions at
# Provides: twonkymedia
# Required-Start: $network $remote_fs
# Default-Start: 3 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
# Description: TwonkyVision UPnP server
# Comments to support chkconfig on RedHat/Fedora Linux
# chkconfig: 345 71 29
# description: TwonkyVision UPnP server
#==================================================================[ Setup ]===

QPKG_DESC="Twonkymedia UPnP media server"
MULTIMEDIA_SHARE=`/sbin/getcfg SHARE_DEF defMultimedia -d Qmultimedia -f /etc/config/`
PUBLIC_SHARE=`/sbin/getcfg SHARE_DEF defPublic -d Public -f /etc/config/`
BOND_SUP=`$GETCFG "Network" "BONDING Support" -d "FALSE"`
NIC_NUM=`$GETCFG "Network" "Interface Number" -d "FALSE"`

#=================================================================[ Script ]===
volume_test=`/sbin/getcfg ${MULTIMEDIA_SHARE} path -f /etc/smb.conf | cut -d '/' -f 3`
[ "x${volume_test}" = "x" ] || volume=${volume_test}
if [ ! -d "/share/${volume}/${MULTIMEDIA_SHARE}" ]; then
echo "db can't be moved to HDD"
/sbin/write_log "Default share ${MULTIMEDIA_SHARE} is not found. TwonkyMedia start failed." 2
exit 1
[ -d /share/${volume}/.@twonkymedia.db ] || /bin/mkdir /share/${volume}/.@twonkymedia.db
twonkydb=`/usr/bin/readlink "/mnt/HDA_ROOT/twonkymedia/twonkymedia.db" 2>>/dev/null`
if [ -z $twonkydb ] || [ "$twonkydb" != "/share/${volume}/.@twonkymedia.db" ]; then
/bin/rm -rf /mnt/HDA_ROOT/twonkymedia/twonkymedia.db
/bin/ln -sf /share/${volume}/.@twonkymedia.db /mnt/HDA_ROOT/twonkymedia/twonkymedia.db
logtxt=`/usr/bin/readlink "/mnt/HDA_ROOT/twonkymedia/twonkymediaserver-log.txt" 2>>/dev/null`
if [ "x$logtxt" != "x/share/${volume}/.@twonkymedia.db/twonkymediaserver-log.txt" ]; then
/bin/rm -rf /mnt/HDA_ROOT/twonkymedia/twonkymediaserver-log.txt
/bin/ln -sf /share/${volume}/.@twonkymedia.db/twonkymediaserver-log.txt /mnt/HDA_ROOT/twonkymedia/twonkymediaserver-log.txt
# twonky 5.0 default config is /var/twonkymedia
if [ -d "/var/twonkymedia" ]; then
/bin/rm -rf /var/twonkymedia
/usr/bin/readlink /var/twonkymedia
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
/bin/rm /var/twonkymedia
/bin/ln -sf /share/${volume}/.@twonkymedia.db /var/twonkymedia
/bin/rm -rf /share/twonkymedia
/bin/ln -sf /share/${volume}/.@twonkymedia.db /share/twonkymedia

# ensure correct app running status
if [ `/sbin/getcfg $QPKG_NAME Enable -u -d FALSE -f /etc/config/qpkg.conf` = UNKNOWN ]; then
/sbin/setcfg Enable TRUE -f /etc/config/qpkg.conf
elif [ `/sbin/getcfg $QPKG_NAME Enable -u -d FALSE -f /etc/config/qpkg.conf` != TRUE ]; then
echo "${QPKG_NAME} is disabled."
exit 1

# Determine BASE installation location according to smb.conf
publicdir=`/sbin/getcfg $PUBLIC_SHARE path -f /etc/config/smb.conf`
if [ ! -z $publicdir ] && [ -d $publicdir ];then
publicdirp1=`/bin/echo $publicdir | /bin/cut -d "/" -f 2`
publicdirp2=`/bin/echo $publicdir | /bin/cut -d "/" -f 3`
publicdirp3=`/bin/echo $publicdir | /bin/cut -d "/" -f 4`
if [ ! -z $publicdirp1 ] && [ ! -z $publicdirp2 ] && [ ! -z $publicdirp3 ]; then
[ -d "/${publicdirp1}/${publicdirp2}/${PUBLIC_SHARE}" ] && QPKG_BASE="/${publicdirp1}/${publicdirp2}"

# Determine BASE installation location by checking where the Public folder is.
if [ -z $QPKG_BASE ]; then
for datadirtest in /share/HDA_DATA /share/HDB_DATA /share/HDC_DATA /share/HDD_DATA /share/MD0_DATA /share/MD1_DATA /share/MD2_DATA; do
[ -d $datadirtest/$PUBLIC_SHARE ] && QPKG_BASE=$datadirtest

if [ -z $QPKG_BASE ] ; then
echo "The Public share not found."
_exit 1

[ -f /home/httpd/RSS/images/${QPKG_NAME}.gif ] || ${CMD_LN} -sf ${QPKG_DIR}/.qpkg_icon.gif /home/httpd/RSS/images/${QPKG_NAME}.gif
[ -f /home/httpd/RSS/images/${QPKG_NAME}_80.gif ] || ${CMD_LN} -sf ${QPKG_DIR}/.qpkg_icon_80.gif /home/httpd/RSS/images/${QPKG_NAME}_80.gif
[ -f /home/httpd/RSS/images/${QPKG_NAME}_gray.gif ] || ${CMD_LN} -sf ${QPKG_DIR}/.qpkg_icon_gray.gif /home/httpd/RSS/images/${QPKG_NAME}_gray.gif



TWONKY5_STATUS=`$GETCFG TwonkyMedia Enable`
if [ "$TWONKY5_STATUS" = "TRUE" ]; then
/sbin/setcfg TwonkyMedia Enable FALSE
/sbin/setcfg TwonkyMedia "Web Enable" FALSE
/etc/init.d/ stop
/bin/sleep 3
TWONKY_VERSION=`$GETCFG TwonkyMedia Version -f /etc/config/qpkg.conf`
/sbin/write_log "[QPKG] The built-in Twonkymedia will be disabled now before starting Twonkymedia v$TWONKY_VERSION QPKG." 4

# Source function library.
if [ -f /etc/rc.status ]; then
. /etc/rc.status
# Reset commands if not available
rc_status() {
case "$1" in
alias rc_exit=exit

if [ ! -f "${QPKG_DIR}/${DAEMON}" ]; then


case "$1" in
if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then
echo "Twonky server seems already be running under PID $PID"
echo "(PID file $PIDFILE already exists). Checking for process..."
running=`ps --no-headers -o "%c" -p $PID`
if ( [ "${DAEMON}"=="${running}" ] ); then
echo "Process IS running. Not started again."
echo "Looks like the daemon crashed: the PID does not match the daemon."
echo "Removing flag file..."
$0 start
exit $?
exit 0
if [ ! -x "${TWONKYSRV}" ]; then
echo "Twonky servers not found".
rc_status -u
exit $?

echo -n "Starting UPnP MediaServer: ($TWONKYSRV) "

_contentdir=`/sbin/getcfg "" contentdir -d "/Qmultimedia" -f ${DEFAULT_INIFILE}`
[ "${MULTIMEDIA_SHARE}" = "${_contentdir}" ] || /bin/sed -i 's/^contentdir.*$/'"contentdir=+A|\/${MULTIMEDIA_SHARE}"'/' ${DEFAULT_INIFILE}

if [ ! -f ${INIFILE} ]; then
# for multicast use
if [ "x${NIC_NUM}" = "x2" ] && [ "x${BOND_SUP}" = "xTRUE" ]; then
/sbin/route add -net netmask dev bond0
elif [ "x${NIC_NUM}" = "x2" ] && [ "x${BOND_SUP}" = "xFALSE" ]; then
/sbin/route add -net netmask dev eth0
/sbin/route add -net netmask dev eth1
/sbin/route add -net netmask dev eth0
# end
$TWONKYSRV -inifile "${INIFILE}" -enableweb 2 -powersavemode 1 -logfile ${LOG_FILE} -suppressmenu mediafeeds 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null &
rc_status -v
/bin/sleep 2
if [ ! -e $PIDFILE ]; then
echo "Shutting down UPnP MediaServer services: twonkymedia."
echo "PID file $PIDFILE not found, stopping server anyway..."
killall twonkymedia twonkymusic 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
rc_status -u
# exit 3
echo -n "Shutting down UPnP MediaServer services: twonkymedia."
kill -s TERM $PID
kill -9 `pidof twonkymediaserver`
rm -f $PIDFILE
# end
rc_status -v
if [ "x${NIC_NUM}" = "x1" ]; then
/sbin/route del -net netmask dev eth0 2> /dev/null 1>/dev/null
/sbin/route del -net netmask dev bond0 2> /dev/null 1>/dev/null
/sbin/route del -net netmask dev eth0 2> /dev/null 1>/dev/null
/sbin/route del -net netmask dev eth1 2> /dev/null 1>/dev/null
if [ ! -e $PIDFILE ]; then
echo "PID file $PIDFILE not found, stopping server anyway..."
killall twonkymedia twonkymusic 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null
rc_status -u
exit 3
echo -n "Reloading Twonky server ... "
kill -s HUP $PID
rc_status -v
$0 stop
/bin/sleep 2
$0 start
if [ ! -e $PIDFILE ]; then
running="`ps ax --no-headers | grep -e twonkymedia -e twonkymusic | grep -v grep | grep -v | cut -d ' ' -f 1`"
if [ "${running}" == "" ]; then
echo "No twonky server is running"
echo "A twonky server seems to be running (PID: "${running}"), but no PID file exists."
echo "Probably no write permission for ${PIDFILE}."
exit 0
running=`ps --no-headers -o "%c" -p $PID`
if ( [ "${DAEMON}"=="${running}" ] ); then
echo "Twonky server IS running."
echo "Looks like the daemon crashed: the PID does not match the daemon."
echo ""
echo "Twonky server"
echo "-------------"
echo "Syntax:"
echo " $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|status}"
echo ""
exit 3


Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:40 pm
by parnott
Well I am a bit stumped now. The only way I can think of to proceed is to turn on logging in Twonky, reboot your NAS then look through the log file to see if there are any messages that relate to iTunes.

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:27 am
by bigwig

How can i show you the Logfile the easiest Way?

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:34 pm
by parnott
Search through the logfile for anything related to itunes and post the details (with about 10 lines before and after).

Alternatively use to post the whole log, and post a link.

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:25 pm
by bigwig
Okay in the Logfile is nothing about iTunes or something else :(
I have no more idea :D

I installed the server via QPKG and i think this is the problem!

Is it possible to install the Media Server manually on the QNAP?

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:58 pm
by Briain

The one start-up script does handle either the embedded or QPKG, and Qnap do use a bespoke name for the ini file (from memory, twonkyvision-mediaserver6.ini sounds about right). There are actually quite a few Twonky ini files scattered about on the Qnap, so to ensure you modify the correct one, I would recommend that rather than editing it directly, you instead use a RPC call which gets Twonky to enter the path for you (and thus you know it's going to the correct, 'working' ini file). Before doing that, you can see the working ini file contents (to check if your entry is already in there) by sending another RPC call via your web browser. Assuming your NAS IP is then the below would return all the settings info:

As to changing the path, based upon your current path and name file name (see more on that below) the format to enter this in the ini file would be as below:

Code: Select all Music Library.xml
To delete the path (and put it back to the default Qnap value) then you can use the below:

Code: Select all
To be honest, I'm not quite sure how Linux (or Twonky) would interpret the spaces in your file name (when presented in the ini file) and I wonder if that could be the problem (I'd have to do some tests before I could give an answer on that one). I thus wonder if it's worth changing the name of your iTunes library to something without spaces (like iTunes_Music_Library.xml) and then enter the below RPC via your web browser (just to eliminate the possibility that it could be misinterpreted):

Code: Select all
I don't use iTunes, but I have tested the above RPC call works on the ini file's ituneslib entry (I tested it on a PC version of Twonky) and when you send the request, it does show the new ituneslib entry that I entered (so it has changed the ini file okay). That get_all RPC another thing you can use to verify the change has been correctly entered into your Qnap's ini file.

As to a manual installation, when TMS 6 first came out, for my Intel Qnap (TS-659) I used to unpack the X86 Linux manual one and simply overwrite the embedded TMS 5.1, but that does mean you require a license key. Now that the QPKG is available, I update that by doing the same thing (as opposed to waiting for the QPKG). In fact, most minor updates just require the twonkymediaserver and clients.db to be updated (though 6.0.33 to 6.0.34 had other updated files to enable IE9 compatibility). Again though, that means you need a license key, but it also means you can add the two missing mediafusion files and get internet radio to work. If you go down that route, you also need to send another RPC to show the hidden online media setup page (


NB If using a Marvell Qnap (as opposed to an Intel one) you'd need to use the Kirkwood NAS files as opposed to the X86 ones. That's probably obvious to yourself, but I thought I'd better point it out for the benefit of other readers. :)

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:41 pm
by bigwig

The Problem with Space in the File Name i checked at the beginning! But it also didn't work.

I'm slowly loosing overview so I think I'll deinstall the QPKG and the embedded Twonky and install it manually.

I hope that it will work :D

Thanks a lot and I'll report furthermore!

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:02 pm
by Briain

The QPKG should be okay (the concept is fine) unless there is an issue with Twonky 6.0.34 itself. You could try 6.0.33 as that is available as a QPKG, too. I'd still recommend using the RPC for ini entries as it's easier, faster and guaranteed to point to the correct ini file. Sorry, I use Twonky with my Linn DS devices and thus don't use iTunes (I'm far too old for all that iThingy malarkey) and thus I can't help you by testing the iTunes side of things.

Bri :)

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:29 am
by parnott
bigwig wrote:Okay in the Logfile is nothing about iTunes or something else :(
I have no more idea :D
You should have seen at least a message like the following in your log file-

Code: Select all

17:42:42:245  [Info] - LOG_PLUGIN: upnp_launch_plugins : checking (once) for plugin /usr/twonkymedia_6034/plugins/itunes-import.plugin
It is the .../plugins/itunes-import.plugin part that is important. That is what does the iTunes import. If you do not find this in your log file then the iTunes import is not being run in your version of Twonky.


1) Reboot your NAS
2) Once it is up and running, go to the Twonky Config>Maintenace page.
3) Check the Logging checkbox
4) Click the Save Changes button, and wait till the update is complete
5) Click the Restart Server button, and wait a few minutes until the server restarts and finishes cataloging the media sources
6) Click the View Log File button.
7) Search the log for any mention of iTunes. (In IE that would be from the menu Edit>Find on this page)

If you do not see any lines with .../plugins/itunes-import.plugin then your version of Twonky does not include the import plugin or for some other reason it is not being run.

PS. for all concerned.
You cannot enter this as an URL-

Code: Select all Music Library.xml
Spaces are not permitted in URLs. The correct form of the above as an URL is-

Code: Select all

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:19 pm
by bigwig
Too happy too soon....

Next Post!

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:12 pm
by bigwig
Okay now...

I installed the Twonky 6 Kirkwood edition manually.

As I started it in the Putty Console with /mnt/ext/opt/Twonky/twonkymedia -appdata /share/HDA_DATA/twonkydb the iTunes Playlist import worked.

But if I closed the Console, the Server ended, too.

Good... I wrote an with the following code to start twonkymedia that it doesn't end with the console:

Code: Select all

cd /mnt/ext/opt/Twonky
/mnt/ext/opt/Twonky/twonkymedia -D -appdata /share/HDA_DATA/twonkydb &
But when i start TS with this file and close the console the import plugin has not been started...


Problem is the "-D"! If Twonky is startet without the -D the import Plugin starts! But the i have to keep the console opened and this is not really that what I want :D

Is it possible to start the twonky via QNAP and without -D?

P.s All Rights are set on 777 so this could not be the Problem :D
P.p.s The restart Button in the config page also doesn't work

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:31 pm
by parnott
Try removing the & at the end of the command line that starts Twonky in your script. Technically it is not required and could be confusing things.

The -D option is the only way I know to daemonize the Twonky process, i.e. completely disconnect from your terminal session and continue running after you log out. This is standard Linux convention.

PS. How are you determining the iTunes import is not being run?

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:03 pm
by bigwig
The & at the end was the first I tried but no change :(

At the end of the media search you can see that the import plugin is running at the server status page! And if there is an -D in the call there is no import :(

Is it possible that my QNAP starts the Twonky Server at startup without the -D ?

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:47 pm
by parnott
At the end of the media search you can see that the import plugin is running at the server status page! And if there is an -D in the call there is no import
The only way to figure out what is happening is by turning on logging and examining the log file.

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:15 pm
by bigwig
If I start it with -D in the logfile is nothing written about iTunes else it works and is in the logfile

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:14 am
by parnott
Unfortunately I am out of ideas about how to proceed.

It is possible there is some strange bug in the Kirkwood version but the -D option should make no difference with regard to running the iTunes import.

Without seeing the log files I cannot give any further advice.

Personally I would just remove everything and start over with the Twonky QPKG. If that can not be made to work then well it is not going to be unless the folks over on the QNAP forum can help you.

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:05 am
by bigwig
Okay I think I'll test furthermore...

Am I right that the -D is necessary to make Twonky independent of the Console?

And am I also right, if Twonky is in the startup Script of the NAS that I don't need the -D?


P.s I will post two logfiles as soon as possible!

Re: include iTunes media library with playlists in Twonkey 6

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:41 pm
by bigwig

Okay I think I got it! I linked the

Code: Select all

cd /mnt/ext/opt/Twonky
/mnt/ext/opt/Twonky/twonkymedia -appdata /share/HDA_DATA/twonkydb

in the autostart of the QNAP. Reboot. All works fine! I'm really happy about it! But why it doesn't work with -D i have no idea!

Thanks for your help!!!