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Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:16 pm
by edj
Hi there,

unfortunately it is far from being a new topic, but it seems to be unsolved: Like many others (cf. ) I spent a lot of time to install Twonky 5.1.x on the Livestation. Like them, I am confronted with error messages like

/mnt/disk1/share/twonky /etc/init.d/twonky twonkyme 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory

followed by a zombie-twonky-process in the process table. It has nothing to do with too small disk partitions or missing access rights.

Is there anyone around who could offer a solution that can be reproduced by others? I would volunteer to transfer it into the Discountnetz-Community thus reducing the number of comparable questions.

Best regards

Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:29 pm
by viceadmiral

I've got the same problem and I'm quite astonished that there is an extra installation for the Buffalo Linkstation which isn't working at all.
Are you sure that the started process is just "zombie-twonky"? When I first got this error message yesterday I thought the server is started but unreachable because of a missing config file...

I will give it another try next weekend by comparing the Linkstation's installation to a standard Linux one on a PC.

Please help to keep this thread alive. "Unsupported" doesn't have to be "Lost".

As far as I'm concerned I'm not spending money on anything which doesn't even work...

Best regards

Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:10 pm
by edj

unfortunately it can be reproduced as often as you like. After the installation I get a zombie process. Neither Buffalo nor Twonky is willing to support, though they do not hesitate to require a license fee. And, my first message proves it, even the forum members do not have an answer.

Still "lost"

Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:43 pm
by viceadmiral

it's hard to imagine that some piece of software is version 5.x and even the installer doesn't work. :?

I hope, the Linux PC version works...


Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:50 pm
by PeeBee
viceadmiral wrote:Hi,

it's hard to imagine that some piece of software is version 5.x and even the installer doesn't work. :?

I hope, the Linux PC version works...

I have installed numerous 4.4.x and 5.1.x versions on my LS Pro to test them out and have only ever had one problem with the installer not working correctly. That was when I gave it my admin username and password instead of the ftp root username and password. The problems were caused by the user that was running the installation script not having the correct permissions.

I downloaded the Live setup file and compared the installer with that of my LS Pro build and found no difference so the problem must lie elsewhere.

Can you post the full text that appears in the installer window when you run it?


Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 3:17 pm
by viceadmiral

I have installed numerous 4.4.x and 5.1.x versions on my LS Pro to test them out and have only ever had one problem with the installer not working correctly. That was when I gave it my admin username and password instead of the ftp root username and password. The problems were caused by the user that was running the installation script not having the correct permissions.


Thank you for your support! I will give it a try and report back...


I downloaded the Live setup file and compared the installer with that of my LS Pro build and found no difference so the problem must lie elsewhere.

Can you post the full text that appears in the installer window when you run it?


As the installer window won't let me copy it's contents I'm quoting only the important lines:

/etc/init.d/twonky twonkymedia 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 (continued x times)
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory
cp: can't stat '/mnt/disk1/share/twonky/twonkymedia-server.default.ini': No such file or directory

The rest looks normal. The installer claims, the server is successfully started.

Thanks again for your support!

Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 8:03 pm
by PeeBee
The reason I asked for all of the installer window was so I can see where in the script the error lines are generated from. Can you do a screen grab of the installer window?


Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:38 pm
by viceadmiral

I have installed numerous 4.4.x and 5.1.x versions on my LS Pro to test them out and have only ever had one problem with the installer not working correctly. That was when I gave it my admin username and password instead of the ftp root username and password. The problems were caused by the user that was running the installation script not having the correct permissions.


Ok, I've allowed ftp access for my root account but the errors remained the same. This shouldn't be a matter of permissions...

Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:04 am
by viceadmiral
[quote="PeeBee"]The reason I asked for all of the installer window was so I can see where in the script the error lines are generated from. Can you do a screen grab of the installer window?


I've uploaded my screenshot to imageshack

Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:02 pm
by edj

sorry for showing up late, but these days I am most of my time about 200 miles afar from my server and don't want to complicate the installation by remote accesses. So, please don't wonder if I need days to fiddle around with the installation. First of all thanks for your support! I am still interested in a solution and will do my very best to answer your questions.

My installation results in quite similar error messages like given by you, cf. my first entry in this thread. Instead of an incomplete screenshot I repeat the relevant installation messages below. But, since you pointed out that missing access rights might be the problem, I've also checked the results on my server. And even though the installation routine logs in as user "root", the installed directory belongs to my second admin account "EDJ" in group "hdusers", as I have listed below as well. I've tried the usual commands to correct that (chown, chgrp, chmod) after the installation, but it seems to be too late for that. Also, uninstalling the previous twonky version, deleting the entire directory in advance and setting up them manually with users/ groups and access rights assigned correctly before installing the software doesn’t help. Even worse, user EDJ has exactly the same rights as root, so I do neither understand what went wrong during the installation nor why any access problems should remain. May be that I am following the wrong track, but as of now this is the only hint about the problem I've found out.

Any ideas how to solve that?

Log from NASSetup:
Installing from (PC) to (LINKSTATIONLIVE)
EDJH_Server login:
No mail.
sh /mnt/disk1/share/twonky/nas-uninstaller /mnt/disk1/sha
</disk1/share/twonky/nas-uninstaller /mnt/disk1/shar 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08
try to kill all old stuff, ignore error messages that might occur …
killall: mediaserver: no process killed
killall: twonkymusic: no process killed
kill: usage kill [s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec … or kill –l [sigspec]
killall: twonkymedia: no process killed
kill: usage kill [s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec … or kill –l [sigspec]
killall: twonkymusic: no process killed
kill: usage kill [s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec … or kill –l [sigspec]
killall: twonkymediaserver: no process killed
killall: twonkymusicserver: no process killed
seems that all old stuff has been removed now
nas-uninstaller exit
</disk1/share/twonky/nas-installer 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x0
<staller /mnt/disk1/share/twonky /e 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x0
<mnt/disk1/share/twonky /etc/init.d/twonky twonkymed 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x08 0x
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory
grep: twonkymedia-server-default.ini: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat '/mnt/disk1/share/twonky/twonkymedia-server-default.ini': No such file or directo
starting twonkymedia
The server has been started.

The server is installed at /mnt/disk1/share/twonky on your LINKSTATIONLIVE.
The autostart script at /etc/init.d/twonky on your LINKSTATIONLIVE.
The web interface is at

Results on the server:
root@EDJH_Server:~# ps - w | grep twonky
13139 root 1696 S /mnt/disk1/share/twonky/twonkymedia
16739 root Z [twonkymediaserver]
16797 root 3368 R grep twonky

root@EDJH_Server:~# ls -al /mnt/disk1/share/twonky
drwxrwxrwx 5 root root 153 May 30 10:42 .
-rwxrwxrwx 1 EDJ hdusers 5332 Feb 16 18:24 /mnt/disk1/share/twonky/twonkymedia

Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 11:42 pm
by PeeBee
From viceadmiral's screenshot I can see that he has an LS-CHL Linkstation Live. The original Linkstation Live's were virtually identical to the LS Pros - there were version 1 and version 2 models and each had a matching LS Pro.

Then came the LS-CHL Linkstation Lives - the first version of these had the same chipset as the earlier Pros and Lives but the v2 model had a different processor. Buffalo also tightened things up including the removal of the ability to login via telnet as root.

Take a look on this forum - - and you will see that their are different forums (fora?) for the LS-CHL v1 and LS-CHL v2.

Can you post the full model of your Live and the Firmware version you are using? How did you enable Telnet access on your Live?


Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:41 am
by edj

that's easy: it is a Linkstation Live with BitTorrent (V3) LS-CHL, Firmware 1.10. telnet is enabled (that is how I gave the details about the installation results), wget and ipkg are installed as well. It shows the blue web interface, not the red one.


Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 3:36 pm
by edj
Hi again,

it was a good idea to have a look at the forum at //forum.buffalo.nas*
In an entry dated May 8, 2007 (!) it was mentioned that the installer for the Linkstation Live does not work and the installer for the Linkstation Pro should be used instead. I have tried it and this installer went through without any errors - a big step forward! Unfortunately, the result remains the same:

At /mnt/disk1/twonky, all files and directories are owned by root and are accessible resp. executable. Once twonky is started, a zombie process immediately results. I typed

/etc/init.d/twonky start

manually in a telnet session, which led to the following processes:
18494 root 1696 S /mnt/disk1/twonky/twonkymedia
19144 root Z [twonkymediaserv]

The process issues some messages visible only when it is started that way:
route: SIOCADDRT: Network is down
TwonkyMedia Version 5.1.3.-dev
using logfile /tmp/TwonkyMediaServer-log.txt

For image conversion and scaling the TMS utilizes ImageMagick. For details on the license please see /mnt/disk1/twonky/cgi-bin/convert-readme.txt

This messages are repeated every few seconds. Does it mean that I have a licence problem?


Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:28 pm
by viceadmiral

my Linkstation Live is a V2 model running firmware 1.24 with red user interface. Telnet and root enabling was not a big thing.

Re: Twonky 5.1.x on Linkstations Live

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:19 am
by larrinh
I can tell you from my own experiences that the installers for the LS Live do not work. However I have had no problem using the LS Pro builds on my LS Live (HS-DH500GL). It has worked from the early 1.x versions up to the last time I tried with version 4.4.18. I also used the following tutorial to get telnet access.

Code: Select all

Jimbo’s version – with thanks to BigKid for his (German) HowTo.

Update: This process should work on both Live and Pro.

Starting point: 
Stock LS Live/Pro firmware from the Buffallo site (also available in the download section of
Note: If you upgrade your firmware, use the uploader in debug mode without Boot selected. You get into Debug mode by adding :-
Debug = 1

To lsupdater.ini and Right clicking on the Upload box on the task bar.
Search the wiki for more info.

A quote from (under LS Pro articles)
Step-by-Step - Guide: 
1. enable telnet and (re)set the root password 
2. have wget on your box (e.g. get (addons.tar) on your box and untar it with "tar -C / -xzvf <>" 
3. modify install.nas: RC=/etc/init.d/twonky 
4. start the installer, enter IP of your LS, user is root and the appropriate password 

And now my newbie translation for newbies:
Do not do any of this stuff over a wireless network, it won’t work.
Disable your PC firewall before you start.
If you don't know what a command prompt is or how to navigate directories, go and find out before continuing.  

1. The Twonky installer requires telnet access on the LS to work. This is not enabled by default but can be turned on with the aid of a utility ( ... COMMANDER/) developed by this community (you only require acp_commander.jar)
ACP Commander needs Java (on your PC) to run. See for the latest runtime version for your operating system.
Once (java) installed, enter the following in a command (cmd) window from the same directory that contains your downloaded acp_commander.jar file.
java -jar acp_commander.jar -t <IP ADDRESS> -o

Replace <IP ADDRESS> with the address of your Linkstation.
You should see something similar to the following: 
Using random connID VALUE = FB6A7FCF57E6 
Using target: (your IP address)
** NO message ** 
** NO message ** 
Password changed. 
You now have telnet access with a blank (null) password until next reboot.
If it doesn't work, try again. It could take up 5 times before acp_commander works.

2. You need to put wget on the LS Live/Pro (I had to visit to find out what wget is!)
wget is included in addons.tar available here ... /Binaries/. 
I also paid a visit to wikipedia to discover that a .tar is “commonly used to collate collections of files into one larger file”. So we need to copy addons.tar to the shared directory on the LS using windows explorer (or any other file coping method). Then “un-tar” via telnet from the command (cmd) window we used in step 1.

From the command window enter;
telnet <ip linkstation>
(the address of your Linkstation.)
You are asked for a Login; enter “root “ (no quotes) with a null/blank password.

Once in telnet, enter;
tar -C / -xzvf /mnt/disk1/share/addons.tar

You should see a list of the “un-tar’d” files (including wget)

Note: You can paste the line into your telnet window. Copy the line from here and from a Windows telnet (cmd) window, right click the window's titlebar, choose Edit then Paste (this is nonstandard).

BTW, in Vista, you need to enable Telnet by going to Control Panel, Programs and Features, click "Turn Windows Features On and Off" in the left bar, check "Telnet Client", and click OK button.

3. Next you need to get a copy of Twonky for the LS Pro (also works for the Live) from their site; ... index.html
Note: Do not use the package for the Live, it won't work if you are following this procedure
un-zip it on your PC 

This step is no longer required for the latest version of Twonky (they fixed the install.nas file) but you may wish to check it.
find the install.nas file, edit it with notepad (do not use WordPad or any other editor) and change the line RC=/etc/rc.d/init.d/twonky to RC=/etc/init.d/twonky (remove rc.d)

4. Now you can run Twonky’s NASSetup, enter your LS IP address and root as the username.

With luck and a following wind, Twonky has been installed on your LS.
You should now be able to log in from a browser on your PC with 'http://<LS-IPaddress>:9000'

You may want to run Twonky at startup to save the manual process of typing “/etc/init.d/twonky start” from a telnet window. To do this enter (from the telnet window);
cp  /etc/init.d/rcS  /etc/init.d/rcS_old

This makes a copy of the rcS file before we modify/screw it up. Then enter(exactly as typed); 
echo "exec_sh twonky" >> /etc/init.d/rcS

You may also want to enable telnet at startup, this will allow you to easily get back into your LS to make changes to your configuration. 
To do this you can use the vi editor to edit the rcS file and remove # from the line #/usr/sbin/telnetd. 

The rcS file is located in /etc/init.d but I will leave you to read up on the use of vi 

It took BigKid two attempts to get telnet running and it took me two attempts to un tar addons.tar. The first attempt told me there wasn’t enough disk space but after a reboot it worked. I also used WordPad to edit install.nas. This made the install fail. Use Notepad.

And finally: This process documents the steps I took to get Twonky installed on my stock LS Live. I can now stream to my Xbox360 but accept no responsibility if you screw up yours.
Good luck,

PS:I wrote this to document my first foray into modifying a Linkstation. I now have the confidence to replace the stock firmware to unlock its true potential. I hope others will use it in the same way.